Book online now +43 (0)676 5245073

Opening hours

Monday - Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Sunday: closed

Monday - Wednesday, Friday & Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Thursday & Sunday: closed


+43 (0)676 5245073


Wichtelgasse 12
1160 Vienna

Neutorgasse 9
1010 Vienna

Easy Beauty-annual subscription

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Zeit & Kosten

Duration 4 treatments of 60 minutes each
Costs a total of €389.00
Location Studio 1160

Easy Beauty

1 year supplied, skin analysis, cleaning+


  1. VISIA skin analysis
  2. Cleansing
  3. Deep-pore cleansing – Removes dirt and make-up residue from your skin.
  4. Gentle peeling – Allows even more targeted penetration of the active ingredients.
  5. Purification and detoxification – deep vacuum cleansing of the pores.
  6. Refreshment and care – Intensive moisturizing care injects individually tailored active ingredients and hyaluronic acid into your skin.
  7. Deep Oxygen Spray Therapy

Technologies used

VISIA facial analysis: Analyzes your complexion and discovers the exact condition of your skin.

Hydrocare: In the treatment based on water and hyaluronic acid, we use a special handpiece that introduces highly effective active ingredients into your skin with the help of vacuum and oxygen.


  • Get to know your skin better and find out which individual active ingredients it needs.
  • Gentle cleaning
  • Glow effect
  • Revitalization of sun-damaged skin
  • More elasticity and resilience
  • Refined complexion

You are not quite sure
which treatment suits you?

No problem! Just make an appointment online or by phone and we will analyze your problem and find the right treatment together!

The perfect time to start your journey! 🌼

 30€ geschenkt auf eine Behandlung deiner Wahl mit dem Code "Oktober30" - als NeukundIn im Studio 1160

book now! 

(*gilt nur für Termine im Oktober | nicht kombinierbar | 1x einlösbar)