Book online now +43 (0)676 5245073

Opening hours

Monday - Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Sunday: closed

Monday - Wednesday, Friday & Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Thursday & Sunday: closed


+43 (0)676 5245073


Wichtelgasse 12
1160 Vienna

Neutorgasse 9
1010 Vienna

Me, Myself, and My DNA!

Back to the overview

Everyone has it! Their personal genetic code – the DNA. It influences ones appearance, personality, taste, and even which foods we can tolerate, how we age, and what we need to stay fit.

The more you know about your DNA, the better you can adapt your routines to your individual needs. Lifestyle DNA analyses are not only super exciting but also help to find a stress-free approach to an individually optimate diet or the best skincare routine!

And did you know how uncomplicated a DNA analysis can be?

That's how it works!

  • Choose your desired analysis
  • Receive a starter kit
  • Take a saliva sample at home or in our studio
  • Send it back and you're done!

What's next?

As soon as the package arrives at our partners at Beyond DNA, the saliva sample is analyzed in the laboratory. During the analysis, you decide what interests you the most! Beauty, weight loss, or individual performance enhancement? Everything at once is of course also possible!

That's why Real Beauty loves Beyond DNA!

While most lifestyle DNA analyses only analyze genetic factors, Beyond DNA also considers epigenetic factors and individual predispositions during the analysis. This way, the experts at Beyond DNA can create an individual profile for you, based on which you can learn more about your predispositions in the areas of beauty, desired weight, and physical and mental performance.

The analysis takes about two weeks, and you will receive all of your results, depending on your preference, as a PDF or a bound book.

Get to know yourself!

Are you curious? We are happy to advise you on our new lifestyle DNA analyses and tailor your beauty treatments to your genes!

The perfect time to start your journey! 🌼

 30€ geschenkt auf eine Behandlung deiner Wahl mit dem Code "Februar30" - als NeukundIn im Studio 1160

book now! 

(*gilt nur für Termine im Februar | nicht kombinierbar | 1x einlösbar)