Book online now +43 (0)676 5245073

Opening hours

Monday - Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Sunday: closed

Monday - Wednesday, Friday & Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Thursday & Sunday: closed


+43 (0)676 5245073


Wichtelgasse 12
1160 Vienna

Neutorgasse 9
1010 Vienna

Mommy to be Real Beauty

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Being a mommy to be is REAL BEAUTYful!

Keep your skin glowing!

During pregnancy, not only the body but also the hormone balance changes fundamentally. This can cause the sebum production of the body to rise and thus can cause impurities or even acne to arise. Professional cleanses can make a huge difference though! Treatments, such as the Healthy Face Cleansing Light, help the skin to remain radiantly beautiful despite changes through the combination of gentle cleansing and subsequent supply of important nutrients, such as antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and hyaluronic acid!

Do's during pregnancy

Which treatments are do’s and which are don’ts during pregnancy can quickly become confusing. That’s why we’ve listed our facial treatments that can be enjoyed carefree during pregnancy for you!

Our Mommy to be Real Beauty Treatments

  • Healthy Face Cleansing Light
  • Hydration Mask + facial massage
  • 24k pure gold leaves + facial massage
  • Gold collagen mask + facial massage

Treat yourself!

Don’t miss your chance for some me time and relax with one of our Mommy to be facials! Because treatments like a hydration mask or a facial massage are not only good for your skin, but also give you that much needed energy boost!

Tap here to book your appointment and save 30€ with the code Blog30!

The perfect time to start your journey! 🌼

 30€ geschenkt auf eine Behandlung deiner Wahl mit dem Code "Februar30" - als NeukundIn im Studio 1160

book now! 

(*gilt nur für Termine im Februar | nicht kombinierbar | 1x einlösbar)