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Opening hours

Monday - Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Sunday: closed

Monday - Wednesday, Friday & Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Thursday & Sunday: closed


+43 (0)676 5245073


Wichtelgasse 12
1160 Vienna

Neutorgasse 9
1010 Vienna

The magic behind a VISIA skin analysis!

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We love it – the VISIA skin analysis! Why? Because it shows us what’s beneath your skin!

Learn more about your skin!

The VISIA skin analysis reveals what lays beneath your skin and often isn’t visible just through the eye. For example, it shows the bacterial load of the skin, the condition of the pores or the skin texture. The VISIA also makes pigmentation spots, wrinkles, blemishes and UV spots more visible, so that our beauticians can optimally assess the skin needs of our customers.

Find your perfect routine!

A VISIA skin analysis also helps you to get to know your skin better! The bacterial load of your skin, for example, is decisive for how often and with which products you should cleanse your face. Even if you can often see the effects of bacteria on your skin in the form of spots or blemishes, it is difficult to recognize the actual condition of your skin with the naked eye. With a VISIA, you can see exactly how you should best care for your skin though.

The right treatment plan is individual!

Another benefit of the VISIA is that our beauticians can decide even better which facial treatments suit our clients’ skinneeds and goals and which care they should use to complement their home treatments! All in all, the VISIA is an important tool for creating and individualizing treatment plans and getting the most out of our clients’ skin!

Want to learn more about your skin and its needs? Then book your VISIA facial analysis now!

The perfect time to start your journey! 🌼

 30€ geschenkt auf eine Behandlung deiner Wahl mit dem Code "Februar30" - als NeukundIn im Studio 1160

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(*gilt nur für Termine im Februar | nicht kombinierbar | 1x einlösbar)