Book online now +43 (0)676 5245073

Opening hours

Monday - Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Sunday: closed

Monday - Wednesday, Friday & Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Thursday & Sunday: closed


+43 (0)676 5245073


Wichtelgasse 12
1160 Vienna

Neutorgasse 9
1010 Vienna

RealBeauty Concept

Back to all hair removals

Zeit & Kosten

Duration 30 min. to 120 min.
Price depending on the treated area
Location Studio 1160 | Studio 1010

Hairfree, carefree

Video Thumbnail


  1. A hair analysis will be performed in order to determine your individual treatment
  2. If necessary, the area to be treated is shaved again
  3. Birthmarks, pigment spots and tattoos are covered and are therefore protected
  4. Gel application
  5. Start of the laser treatment (light pulses penetrate to the hair root).
  6. The gel is removed
  7. You are ready to go!

Good to know

  • 3 weeks before the treatment, the area to be treated must not be waxed or epilated.
  • The area to be treated should be shaved one day before the treatment.

Technology used

At Real Beauty we use the following lasers:


  • Diodenlaser MeDioStar NeXT PRO from Asclepion
  • Gentlemax Pro from Candela


The laser light is absorbed by the melanin, the color component of our hair, and guided into the skin. This destroys the hair roots and hair follicles.

We use the latest laser technologies. These make our treatments absolutely painless and particularly effective!

Want to learn more about the technology behind a hairless look? Then visit us on our Blog! ✨


You are not quite sure
which treatment suits you?

No problem! Just make an appointment online or by phone and we will analyze your problem and find the right treatment together!

The perfect time to start your journey! 🌼

 30€ geschenkt auf eine Behandlung deiner Wahl mit dem Code "Oktober30" - als NeukundIn im Studio 1160

book now! 

(*gilt nur für Termine im Oktober | nicht kombinierbar | 1x einlösbar)