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What´s best? Laser systems and their advantages and disadvantages

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Alexandrite, Nd:YAG, diode laser or IPL? Here you can learn more about the differences between the most popular laser systems for permanent hair removal. We will give you a brief insight and explain the advantages and disadvantages.


Ascleption, Cutera, Candela at Real Beauty | Bild: ©Monika Frauenhofer
Ascleption, Cutera, Candela at Real Beauty | Bild: ©Monika Frauenhofer

There are a few different laser systems that can be used for permanent hair removal. The most common are the following systems:


  1. Diode laser
  2. Nd:YAG 
  3. Alexandrit
  4. IPL


What’s the biggest difference? The biggest difference between these systems is how well they work for different skin types and hair tones. The associated handpieces also differ in their surface area, which is of great importance for simple and precise treatment.


Well-known manufacturers of devices with the different systems are: Candela, Asclepion, Cutera and InMode.

Advantages and disadvantages of the individual systems:



  • Thanks to the large handpiece, a large treatment area can be treated in a short time
  • Operates at a shorter wavelength (755nm) making it ideal for those with fair to olive skin tones
  • Promises particularly good results on the dark hair

  • The rapid laser reps can cause some pain
  • Be careful with suntanned skin or darker skin types, as the laser can also destroy melanin and thus leave light-colored patches on the skin
Diode laser


  • The energy source consists of diodes combined into a laser beam with a wavelength of 800-810 nm – so this system is suitable to penetrate deep into the hair follicle
  • This system is safest on darker skin types and works well for removing thicker and coarser hair – is particularly popular among the men who mostly want to have their back and chest hair treated

  • Good news! There are no known disadvantages.


  • Suitable for all skin and hair types
  • Because of the dynamic cooling, the top layer of skin is protected and the pain during the treatment is significantly reduced

  • High maintenance costs and the relatively short lifespan of the crystal


  • Same as lasers, IPLs initiates photothermolysis through pulsating heat energy that is absorbed by melanin in the hair follicle
  • The advantage of intensely pulsed light is an adjustable wavelength, energy level, and pulse duration

  • Not real laser is used, but the equivalent in the form of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
  • It is not suitable for all skin types and it must not be used for treatments in all seasons
Lasersysteme unterschied
Die Unterschiede auf einen Blick

In order to achieve the best possible result for all skin types, hair tones and hair structures, we at Real Beauty work with four different laser devices. If you are interested in which laser devices we use at Real Beauty: Tap here ☀️

Are you interested in permanent hair removal? Here  you can find out more about our work and the course of the treatment 🌺

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